ASHEBORO — The seventh annual 4-H/FFA Livestock Show was held in Asheboro on August 7. The event featured 68 competitors showing cattle and goats from Randolph, Guilford, Chatham, Stanly, Cabbarus, Johnston, Rockingham, Richmond, Anson, Cumberland, Wake, Person, Moore, Montgomery and Stokes counties. Scarlett Farms in Snow Camp hosted the event. Brandon Hartman served as judge and the Trinity High School FFA served concessions.

The competition featured youth competitors in showmanship and a separate competition based on the animal’s characteristics and classification.
The youth competitors were judged for showmanship which included handling the animal, eye contact with the judge, setting the animal up to highlight physique of the animal and answering questions asked by the judge about the animal. Judges questions included breed type, feed requirements, anatomy and breeding programs. The judge does not evaluate the animal itself during showmanship.
In the type-class show the judge looks primarily at the physical characteristics of the animal shown. Showmanship is still a part of the competition because the exhibitor must show the animal well to highlight it’s physical features while minimizing any potential flaws that the judge may see. The judge compares each animal present the ideal standard of that breed or species. During this show, the judge is evaluating and judging the animal and its physical characteristics.
The 2021 4-H/FFA Livestock show winners were:
Showmanship Cattle
Jr Grand Tyla Marshall
Jr Reserve Jonathan Scarlett
Int Grand Avery Hatfield
Sr Grand Caroline Scarlett
Sr Reserve Lindsay Seitz
Showmanship Goats
Jr Grand Reygan Tew
Jr Reserve Brayana McGee
Int Grand Addison Farris
Int Reserve Rylan Tew
Sr Grand Hattie Jo Powell
Sr Reserve Laura Jessup
Overall Grand Champion Heifer Caroline Scarlett
Overall Reserve Champion Heifer Tyla Marshall
Overall Grand Champion Doe Hattie Jo Powell
Overall Reserve Champion Doe Laura Jessup
Overall Grand Champion Wether Laura Jessup
Overall Reserve Champion Wether Hattie Jo Powell
Registration is now open for the 2021 Randolph County 4-H Poultry Show. The show will take place at 6pm on September 30 at the Randolph County Cooperative Extension Center. Please register by September 24 at 5pm. For more information, contact Allison Walker at [email protected] or call/text (336) 467-2927. Register at
Allison Walker is a 4-H Youth Development Agent with the N.C. Cooperative Extension, Randolph County Center.