Moore County election results

Moore County election results

PINEHURST  — Over 42,000 Moore County voters casted their ballots in the 2022 general election. That was around 56% of all registered voters after all precincts reported in Moore County on election night, coming in above the statewide average of 51%. Five countywide seats saw no opposition: three races for District Court judge, the clerk of superior court, and register of deeds. North Carolina State Senate District 21 Tom McInnis – 54.85% (REP) Frank McNeill – 45.115% (DEM) Republican state Sen. Tom McInnis won another two-year term in Raleigh after the Nov. 8 election. The new district, encompassing all of…
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Aberdeen Town Board approves UDO amendment to protect nonconformities

Aberdeen Town Board approves UDO amendment to protect nonconformities

ABERDEEN — The Town of Aberdeen Board met Monday, October 24, where they held two public hearings for text amendments and received updates on various town projects. The board held two public hearings, with the first being for a text amendment submitted by Hawthorne Residential Partners to amend the UDO Chapter 8 – Nonconformities to create non-conforming density standards for multi-family developments. “In our UDO, previously approved multi-dwelling use type projects that exceed current density standards currently have no protections if they were to have a catastrophic event,” said Planner Danielle Orloff. “So this request was to rewrite chapter 8,…
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Board of Education presented with land use study in order to address projected capacity concerns in district schools

Board of Education presented with land use study in order to address projected capacity concerns in district schools

CARTHAGE — The Moore County Board of Education met Tuesday, October 11, where they were presented with a land-use study and information regarding the North Carolina general statute on school calendars. The board was presented with a report by the Operations Research and Education Laboratory within the Institute of Transportation Research and Education of the Integrated Planning for School and Community Study and Land Use Study conducted for Moore County. “The last time this type of study was conducted was presented to the board in January of 2018,” said Executive Officer for Operations John Birath. “Good practice with districts is…
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Pinehurst Council approves new fee and charge schedule for digital media

Pinehurst Council approves new fee and charge schedule for digital media

PINEHURST — The Village of Pinehurst Council met Tuesday, September 13, with a handful of budget amendments and resolutions set on the agenda for action.  The council approved a resolution to amend the Village of Pinehurst fees and charges schedule at the Givens Library and Tuft Archives. “We maintain a fees and charges schedule that the council adopts annually, but every once in a while, we have a desire or we recognize an opportunity to improve upon that out of cycle and given the fact that over the last six or seven months we’ve incorporated the Givens Library and Tuft…
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Southern Pines Town Council approves Belle Meade expansion

Southern Pines Town Council approves Belle Meade expansion

SOUTHERN PINES — The Southern Pines Town Council met Tuesday, September 13, with multiple public hearings involving potential developments on the agenda.  The meeting kicked off with a resolution to officially change the name of the Town’s Community Center to the E.S. Douglass Community Center after former Southern Pines mayor Emanuel S. Douglass. The council then heard four public hearings, starting with the conceptual development project by the St. John Paul Catholic School and Church for the rezoning of a 42.2-acre parcel. The hearing was first brought before the council in April for a private school, athletic field, cemetery, rectory,…
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NC board says Democratic legislative candidate can still run

RALEIGH — The Democratic nominee for a key North Carolina legislative seat this fall remains a candidate, the State Board of Elections ruled on Friday, rejecting a local decision that found evidence she didn’t live in the district where she’s running. Along party lines, the Democrat-majority board voted 3-2 to reverse the findings of the Currituck County Board of Elections, which last week declared there was “substantial evidence” that Valerie Jordan didn’t meet the residency requirement to run for the 3rd Senate District seat. Jordan’s Republican rival, current Sen. Bobby Hanig, had filed the candidate protest against Jordan, contending that…
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Leandro case: Motion to dismiss appeal by intervenors cites Assoc. Justice Earls’ own recusal order

Leandro case: Motion to dismiss appeal by intervenors cites Assoc. Justice Earls’ own recusal order

RALEIGH — On Aug. 23, legislative leaders filed a motion to dismiss certain plaintiffs from the decades-old Leandro education funding case that has made its way to the N.C. Supreme Court. The motion, filed by attorney Matthew Tilley of Womble Bond Dickson LLP on behalf of lawmakers, argues that the claims of the Plaintiff-Intervenors, also called the Penn-Intervenors, are “not at issue in this appeal.” Furthermore, the motion asserts the plaintiffs can’t be considered “a party aggrieved” and that their appeal should be dismissed for “lack of appellate jurisdiction” because the only claim they have made “was severed from the…
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Aberdeen Board approves amendment to increase parking allotment for religious institutions

Aberdeen Board approves amendment to increase parking allotment for religious institutions

ABERDEEN — The Aberdeen Town Board met Monday, where they held two public hearings and discussed the port-a-john services in Ray’s Mill Park. The board held a public hearing for a voluntary annexation request by Collinswood Partners, LLC for 64.859 acres of land located in the town’s extraterritorial jurisdiction north of NC-211 and east of Collinswood Drive. “The request is for an unaddressed parcel and adjacent right-of-way to be annexed,” said Planning Director Justin Westbrook. “It is considered a satellite annexation and is located within the Town’s Extra Territorial jurisdiction and currently zoned R-20 (residential single family).” The board approved…
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Decision on Pinehurst South development plan pushed to next meeting by council

Decision on Pinehurst South development plan pushed to next meeting by council

PINEHURST — The Village of Pinehurst Council met Tuesday, August 9, where they further discussed the Pinehurst South Small Area Plan and approved the reappropriation of funds from FY22 to the current year. After being tabled again at last month’s meeting, the Pinehurst Council continued the discussion of the Pinehurst South small area development plan. “I think the major emphasis right now with Pinehurst South is commercial versus residential and non-residential development and what kind of a community we see there being or not being,” said Mayor John Strickland. “Is the property west of Highway 5 going to be different…
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