HUDSON: Addressing challenges from fuel to fentanyl

HUDSON: Addressing challenges from fuel to fentanyl

Have you filled up your tank lately? Like my family, I’m sure you have noticed that prices are only going one way. In fact, in North Carolina, average gas prices have increased more than 45 cents per gallon in the past month.  President Joe Biden first started skyrocketing fuel prices by ending pipelines and leases that reduced supply and sent the wrong message to domestic energy producers. International chaos has only worsened the problem, yet President Biden’s only solution has been to drain our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to its lowest level since 1984. In total, the administration has sold off…
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LOVELL: Brian’s story – part I

LOVELL: Brian’s story – part I

Brian told his story. He was raised in Moore County, good athlete, solid student. His three older brothers were adequate role models, each for different reasons; one was fun, another was creative, the oldest had ambition. His parents were together in their home and in their faith. In community college, he branched out a bit and began to party with friends, taking his first drink at a beach party; Mike’s Hard Lemonade.   He did not abuse alcohol, but he did use it to be cool, fit in and attract girls. One night at a party, he downed an “OC,”…
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