Local Korean War veteran commemorated in Moore County

Local Korean War veteran commemorated in Moore County

On July 27, the CPL Johnnie Ralph Holder bridge dedication was finally completed. CPL Holder was Moore County’s first soldier killed in action (KIA) in the Korean War. He died on July 27, 1950, during the prelude to the Battle of Pusan Perimeter. He was 20 years old. The strive to honor Corporal Holder dates back to 2019, when NC Senator Tom McInnis was instrumental in securing the naming of the bridge over Deep River in Holder’s honor. Unfortunately, the originally scheduled dedication ceremony, which was set for April 2, 2020, was cancelled due to COVID. Recognizing the importance of…
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Moore County to see big influx with 67th Annual Robbins Farmers Day

Moore County to see big influx with 67th Annual Robbins Farmers Day

ROBBINS — The Town of Robbins will host the 67th Robbins Farmers Day event starting Thursday, August 4, and it will run through Saturday, August 6 in downtown Robbins.  Robbins Farmers Day is a weekend-long event that kicks off with a 5K race, and features live music, demonstrations, carnival rides, fireworks, a variety of food and craft stalls, and more, all culminating in the Robbins Farmers Day Parade on Saturday. The festival begins on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. featuring “Gospel on the Depot Stage,” with live music being provided by Pioneers and Potters Will running until 9 p.m. The Farmers Day 5km run/walk also…
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Vandercook runs unaffiliated for county commissioner

Vandercook runs unaffiliated for county commissioner

Phil Vandercook of Whispering Pines has filed as a candidate for Moore County Commissioner for District 1 in the November 8, 2022, general election.  Although he is currently registered as a Republican, Vandercook has chosen to run as unaffiliated. He has collected almost 3400 signatures to reach the required 2924 approved signatures, representing 4% of Moore County registered voters, in order to be included on the November ballot. “The conservative voters in Moore County are increasingly unaffiliated. This shows their awareness, independence, and distancing from divisive partisanship. Moore County residents want strong, conservative leaders who set sustainable policy and who…
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HUDSON: Protecting our children

HUDSON: Protecting our children

It has been almost two weeks since the horrific attack at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Yet, the country continues to reel from the senseless act perpetrated that day. What happened in Uvalde was abhorrent and we should to everything we can so that it never happens again. This is a moment that demands action from both sides of the aisle. I have repeatedly joined with my House Republican colleagues to champion common sense measures that would directly improve areas like school safety and mental health. We want to save children’s lives and have come to the table with…
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Legislation begins to move in short session

Legislation begins to move in short session

RALEIGH — Legislation making it lawful to smoke marijuana or consume cannabis-infused products for medical purposes in North Carolina cleared the state Senate on Monday evening following the Senate’s vote to send Medicaid expansion to the house last week. Gov. Roy Cooper also issued an executive order that will provide paid leave to employees to take a day off for a day of “personal significance.”  After no debate, the medical marijuana measure received bipartisan support by a vote of 36-7. The margin was similar to the outcome of an initial Senate vote last week that followed floor discussion. The bill…
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HUDSON: Democrats responsible for high prices

HUDSON: Democrats responsible for high prices

“Higher energy prices act like a tax.” Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snow was exactly right when it comes to the burden high energy prices have on American families. Unfortunately, this tax is one that Democrats in Washington seem more than willing to pass on to you and your family. Gas prices have continued to soar because of President Joe Biden and Washington Democrats’ ongoing war on American energy. Last week, the national average price for gas hit a new record 10 days in a row. For the first time ever, the price of gas is now…
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Local bill draft struck down by council majority

Local bill draft struck down by council majority

PINEHURST — The Village of Pinehurst Council met Tuesday with the major item on the agenda being attempted legislation to regulate short-term rentals. The debate over whether or not to regulate short-term rentals has been ongoing in Pinehurst for months now, but it seems it will continue after an attempted local bill was struck down by a majority vote of the council.  The Village had drafted a local bill that would have been passed on to the state representatives and presented to the N.C. General Assembly to have legislation that clarified the Village’s municipal authority to regulate short term rentals.…
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HUDSON: Protecting our community 

HUDSON: Protecting our community 

Every day, brave men and women kiss their loved ones goodbye and go to work, knowing that day could be their last. These are police officers who work all throughout the year to protect our communities, even under threats like never before. It’s National Police Week, a time to honor those who have fallen in the line of duty and thank our nation’s law enforcement for all they do to protect this country. Being a police officer is one of the most challenging jobs out there, yet thousands of brave men and women answer the call every day to serve…
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Southern Pines preliminary budget sees tax rate remaining steady

Southern Pines preliminary budget sees tax rate remaining steady

SOUTHERN PINES — The Town of Southern Pines Council met Tuesday, May 10, where they went over their preliminary budget for fiscal year 2023 and continued public hearings from their last meeting. The Town of Southern Pines saw a tax base growth of 5% which means that the town received enough income to keep their property tax rate at $0.40 for another year, which it has remained at since 2017-18. “Bottom line, all current service levels are maintained, property tax rate is held at $0.40, obviously we continue to move money towards capital assets and facilities, the rainy day fund…
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Community College report shows major economic impact

Community College report shows major economic impact

RALEIGH — A comprehensive new economic impact analysis finds that North Carolina’s 58 Community Colleges have a $19 billion annual impact on the state’s economy and supports more than 320,000 jobs across the state. The economic impact study found for every dollar the state invests in North Carolina’s Community Colleges, the state gains $7.50 in added incomes and social savings. The colleges generate nearly double the revenue from what they take in from the taxpayers. For every $1 the state invests, taxpayers get $1.90 back in added tax revenues and public sector savings, according to the study. “The Community College…
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